14 Duncarraig, Sutton, Dublin 13, D13 K8F7
Proposal Description: Alterations to the roof profile of the existing dormer bungalow by the replacement of the existing hip to the north east end of the house with a new gable ended roof and the raising of the existeing pitched roof to the north west elevation plus the addition of 4 number new roof lights to the roof. The Installation of 5.78KW(28.4sqm) of roof mounted Solar PV panels (15 no.) between rear and southwest planes of the roof. Alterations to both ground and first floor layouts including an increase in the floor area of c.34.8 sqm at first floor level to accommodate additional bedroom space at first floor level. Alterations to the fenestration of the front and side elevations of the house. Plus all associated site works.
Name of Applicants: Laura & Bob Nixon.
Planning Reference: F22B/0041
Registration Date: 17 February 2022
Application Date: 17 February 2022