28 Howth Rd, Burrow, Dublin 13, D13 T1W0
Proposed Planning Description: The development will comprise : (i) demolition of single storey garage to the side of existing dwelling on site; (ii) the construction of a two-storey three bedroom flat roof detached dwelling to the rear of the existing dwelling on site to include; rooflights, canopy’s forming covered terraces at ground floor level, rear balcony to first-floor level (iii) provision of new access road to side of existing dwelling to serve new proposed dwelling ; (iv) on-site vehicular access for proposed new dwelling off new proposed access road (no amendments proposed to existing vehicular access off Howth Road); (v) 2no. on site vehicular parking spaces to front of new proposed dwelling; (vi) other works as part of the development include, landscaping, boundary treatments, SuDs drainage, and all associated site development works.
Applicant Name: Sharon Jenning and William Parkes
Planning Reference: F23A/0734
Registration Date: 30 November 2023