4, “Granada”, Carrickbrack Road, Sutton, Dublin 13
Proposal Description: For development of a new two storey detached house at site: No. 4 (A) “Granada”, Carrickbrack Road, Sutton, Dublin 13. The development will consist of 1. The demolition of an existing single storey, granny flat and shed. 2. The construction of a new, two storey detached house of area 217 sqm. 3. New pedestrian gate to Carrickbrack Rd. 4. Other works as part of the development include a new boundary wall to subdivide existing site, drainage, landscaping, car parking and all associated works necessary to facilitate the development.
Applicant Name: Mr. & Mrs. T. Drumm.
Planning Reference: F22A/0683
Registration Date: 08 December 2022
Application Date: 08 December 2022