60 Main Street, Howth, Co. Dublin, D13 N8K3.
Proposal Description:
The development will consist of:
(i) Demolition of the existing single-storey function room currently in office use (376sq.m) to the rear of the site;
(ii) Development of a residential scheme, totalling 36 no. residential units (comprising 14 no. 1 bed units and 22 no. 2 bed units). The scheme will consist of: (a) the construction of a 3 to 4 storeys (over-basement) building, consisting of 32 no. residential apartments, comprising 12 no. 1 bed unlts and 20 no. 2-bed units. Each unit will be provided with private open space in the form of a balcony or terrace. The structure will be provided with solar panels at rooftop level. {b) the change of use of the existing 2-storey office building fronting onto Main Street to residential use consisting of 2 no. 1-bed apartments and 2 no. 2 bed apartments. (c) The development will be served by a total of 68 no. bicycle parking spaces, consisting of 56 no. internal bicycle parking spaces to be provided at basement level and 12 no. bicycle parklng spaces to be provided at surface level. The development will provide for a total of 37 no. car parking spaces (including 2 no. mobllity impaired user parking spaces). (d) A communal landscaped area for all apartments at ground floor level.
(iii) Associated site and infrastructural works are also proposed, which include: foul and surface water drainage, landscaping, boundary treatments, and all associated site development works necessary to facilitate the development.
Applicant Name: JM Dunluce Ltd.
Planning Reference: F22A/0477
Registration Date: 08 September 2022
Application Date: 08 September 2022