O’Callaghan Calls For Local Submissions Amid Proposals For Major Changes To DART Services
Social Democrat TD Cian O’Callaghan has expressed serious concern over recent proposals by Irish Rail and the National Transport Authority to changes in DART services for the areas of Bayside, Baldoyle, Sutton and Howth. These changes form part of the DART+ Coastal North Plans to extend the Dart to Drogheda and to increase the frequency and capacity of services.
These proposed changes will not only affect DART commuters but are set also impact pedestrians, cyclists and other road users that cross the Dart line at level crossings. There is very significant concern in the local community that these proposals will result in longer journey times as well as increased delays at level crossings.
There are also very strong concerns about the use of Howth Junction to change trains given the security and safety problems at the station. Cian O’Callaghan TD and Cllr Joan Hopkins are strongly encouraging as many people as possible to make a submission to Irish Rail on these proposals so that the views of passengers and local residents are heard as part of this consultation process.
This is very important as changes to the proposal will only be made if the views of the local community are heard. The deadline for making submissions is Friday, April 8. Submissions can be made online and only take a few minutes.
Submission Url: https://www.dartplus.ie/en-ie/projects/dart-north/public-consultation-round-1/how-to-engage-contact-us
Have Your Say and Let’s Make Sure Your Voice Is Heard
Comments or questions can be emailed to Joan @: joan.hopkins@cllrs.fingal.ie or to Cian @: cian.ocallaghan@oireachtas.ie
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