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“The Elephants” Are Coming To Baldoyle Community Hall

Baldoyle Community Hall is delighted to announce the launch of a new project on mental health entitled “The Elephants Are Coming”.

Painted by a high profile artist and hosted at Baldoyle Community Hall, the project is aimed at starting a conversation around mental health. “It’s time we all started talking about “the elephant in the room” said a spokesperson for the committee.” The yet to be decorated elephant will be a permanent piece of art/sculpture in Baldoyle and so we are looking for ideas to inspire our artist”.

So by answering the question:  what do you love about Baldoyle? And sending your response to baldoyleevents@gmail.com the committee and the artist will get to work, to generate a unique piece that is set to spark conversation and illuminate an area that is so often and conveniently avoided.  Well not anymore!

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