The Pines, 19A Greenfield Road, Sutton Cross, Dublin 13, D13 E6E4
Proposed Planning Description: Planning Permission for 1) demolition of existing detached garage and bathroom to side of existing house floor area 55sq m. 2) construction of new two storey three bed detached house 189 Sqm with balcony to the front at first floor level with optional heat pump and solar panels. Solar panels on main roof at rear and more solar panels and two roof windows on upstands and solar panels on lower-level flat roof at rear all south facing. Three Velux roof windows on eastern roof and one optional Velux window on western side all a min of 2.6m over first floor level. 3)Single storey shed/garage 10.5 Sam with flat roof to front. 4)new vehicular entrance for existing house on western side of front boundary. 5) four mature Monterey cypress trees which were certified dangerous were removed under f, 17a0684, 6) all site development works including optional rainwater harvesting system all at The Pines, 19a Greenfield Road, Sutton Dublin. 13 D13 E6E4.
Applicant Name: James Farrelly
Planning Reference: F23A/0637
Registration Date: 23 October 2023