24 & 25, Thormanby Hill, Thromanby Road, Howth, Dublin 13
Proposal Description: Minor amendments to development granted planning permission under FCC Reg. Ref. F13A/0002 (ABP Ref: PL06F.242511), including the repositioning of permitted House No. 24 northwards by c. 2.5m and westward by c. 1.5m and repositioning of permitted House No. 25 northwards by c. 2.5m to align with permitted houses to the west, and associated site development works House Nos. 24 and 25, and associated site development works, remain otherwise as permitted under FCC Reg. Ref. F13A/0002 (ABP Ref: PL06F.242511).
Names of Applicant: Borg Developments
Planning Reference: F21A/0672
Registration Date: 10 December 2021
Application Date: 10 December 2021