Answering The Call – Baldoyle Forum Prepares Submission to Fingal For Enhanced Greenway
Public consultation on the Sutton to Malahide Pedestrian & Cycle Scheme has been opened by Fingal and Baldoyle Forum will be making a submission on the new greenway which will be passing by its door.
While recognising that huge strides have been made improving and utilising the precious green, the Forum is intent on seeing even more improvements to the public areas that enhance the quality of life for all in the village of Baldoyle and its vicinities.
The Forum’s wish list includes:
- Permanent bandstand for performances
- Sculpture celebrating our heritage
- Cool all weather furniture for hanging out outside hall, church & library.
- Route to go behind us (not in front!)
- Keep as much of our green space as possible
- Drop off /Set down for aged/wheelchairs
- Native/Pollinator friendly planting only
- Maintain our slipways
- Boardwalk style sections behind north of hall & behind Sutton Dart Station
Fingal has invited submissions from all residents in the area and the closing date for submissions is 9th of May. Artists impressions and videos can be found at
Will keep you posted at JustLocal.