Call On Clubs To Have Their Say On Insurance
Local Clubs, Societies and Unincorporated associations have been invited to make representation to the Law Reform Commission on the subject of insurance. This topic has long been the bug bear of many clubs and societies which have to deal with providing services to members while bearing the potential consequences resulting from unintended accidents.
Submissions are now being invited from all interested parties.
The full text of the Consultation Paper can be found here –…/LRC%20-%20CP%2068%202022…
An executive summary of this Consultation Paper can be found here.…/Executive%20Summary%20…
Details of the various options to submit your response – whether verbally, by email:
Those who require a hardcopy of the Consultation Paper should contact the Commission offices at
Contributors are requested to make their submissions/comments, if possible, before close of business on 15 March 2023.
This is a potential opportunity to air grievances and to help address anomalies that find many clubs looking to ringfence risk while maintaining services to members.
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