Haddon Lodge, Thormanby Road, Howth, Co. Dublin, D13 HE98
Proposed Planning Description: For amendments to previously approved planning application Reg Ref: D22A/0294. The proposed amendments comprise; (i) provision of new vehicular entrance off Asgard Road, and closing off of existing vehicular entrance off Thormanby Road (which was amended under permission reg. ref as above); (ii) alterations to the boundary treatment to Asgard Road to allow for the provision of the required sight-lines to the new proposed entrance, (iii) alterations to fenestration treatment to south-west, south-east and north-west elevations, to include provision of new first-floor window to storage room to south-east elevation; (iv) Alterations to rooflights at first floor level; (v) Landscaping, boundary treatments and all associated works necessary to facilitate the development.
Applicant Name: Frank and Mary Murphy
Planning Reference: F23A/0345
Registration Date: 20 June 2023
Due date to submit observations: July 24, 2023