It’s Good To Talk – Fingal Announces Series of Public Consultations on its Draft Development Plan
In an effort to engage with residents and get their views and concerns, Fingal County Council is to hold a series of public consultation events to promote a greater understanding of the Draft Development Plan 2023-2029.
At each event staff from the Planning and Strategic Infrastructure Department will be available to brief the public and answer questions on the Draft Development Plan.
The Drop-In events are set to take place between 4pm and 8pm on the following dates:
March 31 – The Atrium, County Hall, Swords.
April 20 – The Lecture Room, Malahide Library, Malahide.
April 21 – Martello Room, The Bracken Court Hotel, Balbriggan.
The Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Seána Ó Rodaigh said: “The webinar and drop-in events are excellent opportunities for members of the public to learn more about the Development Plan from members of the Fingal County Council Planning Department. The Development Plan will affect every individual, family and community so it is important that citizens are aware of it and make submissions on what they like and don’t like in it.”
The Draft Development Plan is available for download from the website. It can also be inspected at Fingal County Council’s offices in Swords and Blanchardstown or any Fingal Libraries branch.
Submissions on the Draft Development Plan must be received before 12 noon on May 12 and can be made online at or by post to the Development Plan Team, Planning and Strategic Infrastructure Department, Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main St., Swords, Co. Dublin, K67X8Y2.
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