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Schoolhouse Howth, (Former) Howth National School, Balglass Road, Howth, Co Dublin

Proposed Planning Description: The proposed development will consist of (i) conversion of vacant single storey schoolhouse to residential use; (ii) construction of two storey extensions to the side and rear and associated internal and external alterations to provide 5 no. two storey two bedroom dwellings; (iii) construction of 2 no. detached two storey two bedroom dwellings; (iv) all ancillary associated site and infrastructural works are also proposed, which include foul and surface water drainage, landscaping, boundary treatments and all associated site development works necessary to facilitate the development. The proposed development will result in 7 no. two storey two bedroom dwellings with private amenity space provided in the form of rear gardens, courtyards and roof terraces, served by communal bin/bicycle store, 2 no. communal open space areas and 4. no car parking spaces within a shared parking area with access provided from the existing vehicular entrance off Balglass Road.

Applicant Name: Balglass Asset Holdings Ltd

Planning Reference: F23A/0738

Registration Date: 30 November 2023

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