Site Adjacent To Sunnymeade, 1 Claremont Road, Howth, Co. Dublin, D13 WE10
Proposal Description:
A 2 storey, 3 bed detached, pitched roof dwelling (187.4 sq.m) with roof lights and PVPanels, a north facing First Floor enclosed balcony with new vehicle & pedestrian access off Claremont Road incl. new garden boundary wall to the East side with trellis and glazed screening, new trellis screening on top of the existing shared garden wall to the west side on the side of the proposed; a new pedestrian gate to the north fading boundary wall accessing Burrow Beach, including all associated removal and ancillary site works to the vacant adjacent site
AI received 14/12/22
Applicant Name: Alistair and Zoe Kissane.
Planning Reference: F22A/0494
Registration Date: 14 December 2022
Application Status: This application was valid on December 14 2022
Note: The consultation period for this application has expired (20 October 2022)