The Gables, 6, Strand Road, Sutton, Dublin, D13 R7T2
Proposal Description: Demolition of existing single storey extension and partial demolition of rear first floor elevation roof to the rear; Construction of part single part two storey extension to the rear and reconstruction of front dormer window (enlarged) demolition of chimney; demolition of existing inset driveway piers and flanking walls; relocation of vehicular parking to front of the site an new 1.5m high rendered blockwork party wall to front (shared with no. 5) to match existing; alterations to existing windows/doors to front and side; external insulation to all elevations and all associated internal, site, landscaping and drainage works.
Applicant Names: David and Pamela Sinnott.
Planning Reference: F22A/0280
Registration Date: 3 June 2022
Application Date: 3 June 2022