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Summer Time Is Judging Time For Tidy Towns Teams

As the summer temperatures continue to rise, it is also hotting up for the Tidy Town committees in Bayside, Howth and Baldoyle. Summer time is judging time in this annual event, when members of the national tidy towns committee take to the highways and bye-ways of Ireland, calling unannounced and sealing the fate on the endeavours of all those who have shown up and made the local area one for all to enjoy.

Regardless of ranking, the efforts of our teams are greatly appreciated – while locals are also requested to show reciprocity and play their part in keeping our surrounding areas clean and well…….. fit for a judge!

Sunday saw the Howth TT (above) use their green fingers to set the Aqua Boathouse flower pots, while a significant troupe of Baldoyle TT (below) intercepted 6 bags of rubbish that otherwise were en route to Dublin Bay.

With the verdict due in September, we wish all our teams best for their efforts!

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