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Bayside Shopping Centre, Bayside Square, Sutton, Dublin 13

Proposed Planning Description:

Retention Permission and Planning Permission at Bayside Shopping Centre, which is under construction/nearing completion (previously permitted under Reg. Ref. F15A/0436; F16A/0433; F16A/0565; F18A/0425; F19A/0255; F19A/0628; F20A/0116; F20A/0244; F20A/0542; F20A/0662/ABP-311393-21; F22A/0214; F22A/0303). Retention permission is sought for the glass balustrade along the southern plaza; external & internal alterations to fire escape stairs serving the restaurants/apartments; minor elevational alterations to all previously permitted elevations; reduction to first floor communal roof garden; internal alterations to the layout of Retail Unit 1 from the previously permitted layout to provide a slightly larger unit with an associated reduction to the outdoor play area from that previously permitted; omission of green walls from the previously permitted elevations; omission of 2 no. car parking spaces to facilitate large truck deliveries and the omission of trees/landscaping from carpark walkway. Planning permission is also sought for the proposed relocation of the site for the piece of public art from the southern plaza to the northern plaza outside the anchor retail unit.

AI received 11/04/23

Applicant Name: Bayside Centre Management Ltd & Urban Pulse (Bayside) Ltd.

Note: The consultation period for this application has expired (14 November 2022).

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