Ben of Howth, Windgate Road, Howth, Co. Dublin
Proposed Planning Description:
Works to consist of:
1. Removal of existing , 24m, telecommunications mast and associated equipment.
2. Removal of boundary security fencing/gate and demolition of existing foundation.
3. Construction of new foundation and erection of replacement 30m mast and associated telecommunications equipment.
4. The following telecommunications equipment is proposed to be placed on the mast: 6 x VHF antenna, 2 x microwave dishes and 1 x aircraft warning light.
5. Erection of replacement associated security fencing/gate.
6. Replacement of existing metal doors to ancillary building with new ppc steel doors.
7. Replacement of existing ventilation grilles to ancillary building with new ppc metal ventilation grilles.
AI received 06/10/23
Applicant Name: Department of Transport
Registration Date: 06 October 2023
Note: The consultation period for this application has expired.