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Crag Lodge, Claremont Road, Howth, Dublin 13.

Planning Proposal Description: (i) revised ground floor extension to the front, rear, and side (east side); revised first floor extension to the front, rear, and side (east side); changes to fenestration on west, east and north elevations to include new and revised, window openings; revised roof profile; widening of site entrance which includes new walls and new gate, boundary wall to the rear , single storey garage to the front and tool shed to the rear, SuDs, and all site works associated with same all at Crag Lodge, Claremont Road, Howth, Dublin 13.

Applicant Name: Laurence and Pauline Quinn

Planning Reference: F23A/0168

Registration Date: 14 April 2023

Application Date: 14 April 2023

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