Cuala, Greenfield Road, Sutton, Dublin 13, D13 F243
Proposal Description: The development will consist of; (i) amendments to previously approved planning application (Reg Ref.; F19A/0609). (ii) the removal of the previously approved basement floor level. (iii) proposed new additional second floor with pitched roof over including rooflights. (iv) revised fenestration to all elevations with new front terrace at second floor level. (v) dwelling now revised from 2 storey, 4 bed detached dwelling to a 3 storey, 5 bed detached dwelling. The proposal also includes all associated landscaping, boundary treatment, site and engineering works necessary to facilitate the development.
Applicant Name: Andrea Mihoc.
Planning Reference: F22A/0410
Registration Date: August 08 2022
Application Date: August 08 2022