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‘Deer Park Hotel and Golf’, Deerpark, Carrickbrack Road, Howth Co. Dublin, Within the grounds of Howth Estate Howth Co. Dublin

Proposed Planning Description:

The development will consist of a cemetery including 5,806 no traditional burial plots; 617 No. ash internment plots; biodegradable garden plots; a Columbarium wall; 223 No granite marker posts; 110 No. memorial plaques; 1 No. single storey reception building (215m2 Gross floor area (GFA)) comprising a reception, 1 no. office, 1 no. reception store, WC, Kitchenette, with photovoltaic (PV) solar panels at roof level; and ancillary bin and battery storage structures. The development will be served by a new vehicular access from Carrickbrack road; 87 no. car parking (72 No. spaces with a car park to south of the reception building and 15 no. with an overflow car park); 4 no bicycle parking stands: and all associated hard and soft landscape and boundary treatment works; provision of SUDS measures, associated lighting , site services (foul and surface water drainage and water supply); and all other associated site excavation, infrastructural and side development works above and below ground. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) will be submitted to the planning authority with the application.

AI received 17/05/23

Applicant Name: WSHI Unlimited Company

Planning Reference: F22A/0559

Registration Date: 17 May 2023

Note: The consultation period for this application has expired (17 November 2022).

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