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Kitestown Road, Howth, Dublin 13

Proposal Description: Development comprising 2 no. three-storey, 5 bed (and study), detached houses and all other associated and ancillary site development, landscape and boundary treatment works, including 2 no. new vehicular entrances onto Kitestown Road and wastewater conncetion into Thormanby Hill residential development (FCC Reg. Ref. F13A/0002 (ABP Ref. PL06F.242511) as amended by FCC Reg. Ref. F21A/0672 refers). Site bounded generally by Thormanby Hill residential development to the north, Kitestown Road to the south, a public walkway (former tramway corridor to the west, and an existing dwelling to the east.

Applicant Name: Borg Developments

Planning Reference:F22A/0547

Registration Date: 11 October 2022

Application Date: 11 October 2022

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