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Last Chance To Have Your Say On Fingal Development Plan

Fingal County Council has extended the deadline for submissions on the Draft Fingal Development Plan for 2023-2029 to Thursday, 22 December. The Council says they welcome submissions from any individual or group interested in the future development of Fingal and that this deadline has been extended to encourage as many people as possible to engage with the draft plan.

The Development Plan is a spatial plan which guides the future development of the county for a six-year period. It contains certain policy objectives, land use zoning objectives and provides development management guidance. 

The Draft Fingal Development Plan 2023-2029 was considered and agreed by the Elected Members of Fingal County Council in January and February of this year and went on public display for 12 weeks. More than 1,900 observations were received during that period and a resultant report was published by the Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, AnneMarie Farrelly, in July.

Material Alterations were also made and published on Friday, 11 November. Observations or submissions regarding the proposed material alterations only can be made until 12 noon, Thursday, 22 December 2022.

The Planning Authority envisages that the final Plan will be adopted in Q1 2023.

To view the Material Alterations and Errata (errors) to Material Alterations to the Draft Fingal Development Plan 2023-2029 go to:

 https://www.fingal.ie/development-plan where these and all other documents and news relating to the Draft Fingal Development Plan can be found

Queries to press@fingal.ie

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