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Minister Honors Coast Guard Heroes With Courtesy Call

Minister Hildegarde Naughton meeting Coast Guard volunteers in Howth recently

Minister of State with special responsibility for the Irish Coast Guard Hildegarde Naughton TD, recently visited Howth Coast Guard Unit to meet with the volunteer team and hear first-hand about their life saving work. 

Howth Coast Guard Unit which is such a part of the local community, has multiple functions including search and boat functions as well as cliff rescue capabilities. The unit consists of 29 volunteers and is one of the country’s busiest units with a total of 142 call outs in 2021.

Minister Naughton’s visit coincided with the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Irish Coast Guard and is part of a national tour of appreciation for the selfless and vital service that the Irish Coast Guard provides.

Speaking of this important milestone, Minister Naughton commented: “The Irish Coast Guard is one of the State’s Principal Emergency Services and their work is both challenging and varied. The team at Howth Coast Guard station run an incredibly smooth operation as one of the busiest units nationwide,” she said.

The Irish Coast Guard traces its roots to 1822, includes 44 Coast Guard units across Ireland and provides a national maritime search and rescue service as well as a maritime casualty and pollution response service. Volunteers and full-time staff respond to almost 3,000 call outs and save on average 400 lives a year.

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