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Osprey, Kilrock Road, Howth, Co. Dublin, D13 N259

Proposal Description: Modifications to the plans previously granted permission under Reg. Ref. F19A/0405; ABP Ref. 307006-20 and include (i) The addition of a new set back third floor level containing 1 no. 4 bedroom penthouse apartment with balcony; (ii) changes to the previously permitted second floor layout to provide 1 no. 2-bedroom apartment and 1 no. 3-bedroom apartment in lieu of 2 no. 2- bedroom units previously permitted, (iii) Amendments to basement and circulation areas, (iv) 1 no. additional car parking space at surface level, (v) associated site, landscaping and engineering works necessary to facilitate the development. The proposed development will result in an increase of 1 no. apartment creating an overall 4-storey apartment building of 9 no. apartments.

Applicant Name: Emmet McLoughlin.

Planning Reference: F21A/0530

Registration Date: August 5.

Final Date for Submissions: 08 November

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