Rivendell, Bailey Green Road, Howth, Co. Dublin, D13R803
Proposed Planning Description: The development will consist of: (i) demolition of extensions to the side (north), bay windows to the front (west) and rear (east) of the existing detached single-storey dwelling; (ii) construction of single storey flat roof extensions to rear and sides; (iii) alterations to roof to include new hip to existing gable to north elevation, new flat roof to replace existing pitched roof to east elevation and removal of chimney; (iv) partial removal of existing porch to the front (west); (v) alterations to all elevations and fenestration treatment; (vi) landscaping, SUDS drainage and all associated works necessary to facilitate the development.
Applicant Name: Fiona Doyle.
Planning Reference: F23A/0410
Registration Date: July 10, 2023
Due date to submit observations: August 14, 2023