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The Gem Howth, Harbour Road, Howth, Co. Dublin, D13 YK37

Proposed Planning Description: Planning permission for the construction of a new two storey, 276sqm residential development over the existing ground floor retail unit at The Gem Howth, Harbour Road, Howth,Co. Dublin, D13 YK37. The development will include: a) partial demolition of the existing first floor retail space, b) construction of 2 no. residential apartment units over 2 floors (147 sqm at first floor and 129 sqm at second floor), and c) changes to the front elevation to the existing ground floor retail unit with minor internal alterations, new signage and entrance arrangement. All with associated services and works.

Applicant Name: Greg Rickard.

Planning Reference: F23A/0401

Registration Date: July 6, 2023

Due date to submit observations: August 9, 2023.

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