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San Pedro, Grey’s Lane, Balkill Road, The Summit, Howth, Co. Dublin

Proposed Planning Description: Retention Permission is sought by Mr. & Mrs. Cunningham for a concrete section of rear boundary wall that adjoins the “Old Tram Walk”plus the concrete buttress wall that supports this concrete wall and also for a triangular shaped portion of our side block boundary wall with our neighbour in “Woodview”. Planning Permission is sought to change the existing single storey with pitched roof Home Office, Gym, & Boiler Room into a two storey flat roofed Home Office, Gym, Boiler Room & Garden Store and all ancillary site works. All finishes will match the existing structure all at San Pedro, Grey’s Lane, Balkill Road, The Summit, Howth, Co. Dublin.

Applicant Name: Mr & Mrs Cunningham

Planning Reference: F23A/0186

Registration Date: 20 April 2023

Application Date: 20 April 2023

Due Date To Submit Observations: 24 May 2023

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