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Seafield House, Claremont Road, Howth, Co. Dublin, D13 TY23

Proposal Description: The development comprises the erection of 1 no. single storey pitched roofed, three bedroom house with 3 no. rooflights and private 100 sq.m. garden to the western side of the proposed house. The proposal seeks to demolish and replace an original 6.11m tall non-original single storey extension on the western elevation of Seafield House. The development also includes the following ancillary works necessary to accommodate the proposed house: SuDS drainage and all associated landscaping, site and groundworks. The development will be accessed via the existing vehicular entrance off Claremont Road with no changes proposed to this entrance.


Applicant Name: Shane O’Hanlon.


Planning Reference: F22A/0142


Registration Date: 21 March 2022


Application Date: 21 March 2022

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