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Site 5A, Fairways, Carrickbrack Road, Sutton, Dublin 13

Proposal Description: The development will consist of: (i) The demolition of an existing single storey, four bedroom, detatched dwelling. (ii) The construction of a house at Site 5A, Fairways, Carrickbrack Road, Sutton – two storey, five bedroom, detatched dwelling with hipped roof, single storey flat roof to rear, with rooflights. (iii) Other works as part of the development include, drainage, landscaping, boundary treatments, new vehicular entrance & new pedestrian gate to Carrickbrack Road to serve the house, car parking and all associated works necessary to facilitate the development.

Name of Applicant: Sarah Gannon

Planning Reference: F21A/0635

Registration Date: 24 Nov 2021

Application Date: 24 Nov 2021

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