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The Age Old Game Of Boules Gets A Fresh Start in Bayside

The introduction of Boules, complete with court has given a Gallic flavour to activities in the Bayside area. With 40 players on court at various times during the week at Alden Park, situated to the rere of Bayside School, the activity is providing a new means of engagement and joy for local people. The group has also helped spread the word by supporting a Boules group in Malahide.

The Romans first invented the game of Boules around 2600 years ago and originally used stone balls (ouch!). The game however became widely popularised throughout Europe and particularly in France during the Middle Ages— while closer to home King Henry III had to ban his archers from playing it due to it becoming such a distraction.

For further information and to get distracted you can email: tddonnellan@gmail.com

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