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SATURDAY, APRIL 9TH, 2022 has been set as the official launch date for “EIRE 6” 

The President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins, has graciously accepted the invitation extended by the Howth EIRE 6 Restoration Group to officially launch and unveil the restored EIRE 6 wartime neutrality sign on the East Mountain, Howth, on Saturday, April 9th, at 2.00 pm.

The EIRE 6 sign was one of a series of 83 signs around our coastline constructed in the summer of 1943 to alert aircraft approaching a neutral country. It was built by the garrison of the Coast Watching Service at the nearby Howth Summit. Long buried, the Howth sign has now been restored by the local community, as a mark of respect to those who served in defence of our wartime neutrality.

The garrison of Look-out Post 6 were members of the Coast Watching Service of the Irish Defence Forces. All were local men with detailed knowledge of the coastal area. Throughout World War 2, they kept close watch over the coast and skies, around the clock, recording all movements. Descendants of these families will be in attendance at the launch and will receive public recognition.

There are two plaques being unveiled, one for the restoration of the EIRE 6 sign, and one dedicated to the memory of the members of the garrison.

This significant occasion, so important to the local heritage and history of the Howth Peninsula and its environs, will be honoured by an Air Corps fly past salute.


Howth EIRE 6 Restoration Group:

Lara O’Brien Convenor EIRE 6, Lorcan Blake, Cathal Murnane, Dr. Philip O’Connor, Dermot Quinn, Conn Redmond., Orla Rorke

Contact: laraeobrien@yahoo.com

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