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Public Consultation on Aircraft Noise at Dublin Airport Concludes

On 18th December 2020, the airport authority for Dublin Airport (daa) submitted a planning application to Fingal County Council Planning Authority seeking to amend prior planning conditions associated with night-time aircraft activity at the airport. The application relates to night time use of the new north parallel runway and changes to permitted night-time aircraft movements across the entire airport. The application was referred to the Aircraft Noise Competent Authority (ANCA) for an assessment of the aircraft noise impact of the application as presented.

Following their assessment, in November 2021 ANCA published draft proposals for the management of aircraft noise at Dublin Airport. The public and all stakeholders were invited to read and respond to these proposals over a period of several months. During this period several information webinars were held online, allowing the public to ask questions of the team, and the ANCA team facilitated one to one meetings with residents and interested parties at County Hall, Swords.

Newspaper advertising and social media were also used to promote the consultation and associated webinars to the general public.

The public consultation has now closed to submissions. In excess of 1,300 submissions were received via post, email and the online consultation portal. These submissions are currently under review by the Aircraft Noise Competent Authority and will be available on the public consultation Portal, consult.fingal.ie, in the coming days. Many submissions are already available to view at this location.

Director of the Aircraft Noise Competent Authority, Ethna Felten, says she is encouraged by the high level of public engagement with the consultation. ‘The last 4 months have been a busy period for our team as we have engaged with residents, businesses, community groups and organisations  who care about how aircraft noise is managed at and around Dublin Airport. We are very pleased to have received such a high volume of submissions on our proposals and are now working through the detail of each submission. We do this so that we can understand the concerns of the public and explore how to balance these with the sustainable development of Dublin Airport. We strive to always take a balanced approach and the input of the public is something we consider of great importance in this process.’

Now that the consultation phase has concluded, ANCA will consider all submissions / observations received prior to making a regulatory decision. Will keep you posted @ JustLocal

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