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Public Meeting – Howth’s Special Area Amenity Order – Fingal Update

In 1999 Fingal County Council recognised the exceptional character of Howth by making the Howth Special Amenity Area Order (SAAO). The Howth Order was confirmed by the Minister for the Environment on 16th May 2000.

The Howth SAAO Order protects many of the special qualities of the area and aims to preserve and enhance the character and special features of Howth. It covers a total of 547 hectares, including Ireland’s Eye and the heathland, woods, cliffs, shingle beaches and wooded residential areas of the south-eastern half of the Howth peninsula.

Fingal is now hosting a meeting to discuss works underway, from wetland restoration to heritage, grazing projects to pathways, cliff wall rebuild to heathland repair. The meeting will take place on this coming Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 7.00pm in Howth Yacht Club. The meeting will be chaired by Philip O’Connor with presentations by Hans Visser, Fingal Conservation Office, Goat Herder Melissa Jeuken and Deirdre O’Farrell.

Locals are invited to attend for an update on the SAAO and to pose questions to the panel.

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