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Spooky Stuff – Baldoyle Goes Green For Halloween

Baldoyle Forum is hosting a“green” pumpkin carving event this Halloween after having recently been awarded A Keen To Be Green award from Fingal County Council for its commitment to recycling and promoting reusability.

The group is continuing this trend by applying its green ethos to the third Annual Pumpkin Carving event on Friday, October 28 in Baldoyle Community Hall. Community Development Manager at Baldoyle Community Forum and Fingal Co Cllr Joan Hopkins opines “ Halloween, like other festivals, has in recent years become a time of overconsumption. We understand that parents want to entertain the kids while saving the planet and here are a few things we’re doing to help.”

According to Joan Hopkins being green shouldn’t be scary and in keeping with supporting the local community and farmers, Baldoyle Forum is buying locally grown pumpkins from Jesson Landscapes Garden Centre in Donaghmede. To cut down on waste they’re borrowing and reusing decorations. The children will decorate pumpkins using natural materials such as twigs, leaves and feathers, no plastic or glitter. And as there will have a large number of pumpkins and pulp, the latter will be donated to a local chicken farmer who will use it for deworming.

This is a much needed initiative by Baldoyle Community Forum and taking the lead for climate change will be vitally important in our efforts to meet Ireland’s 2030 Carbon Targets. Go On Baldoyle!

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